The first Educonference for teachers and IT experts took place on January 24-25, 2015, at the Drim Hotel in Struga. The conference was organized by Friends of Education, and supported by Alliance for Open Educational Resources, Microsoft, British Council in Macedonia, National Agency for European educational programs and mobility, FINKI, Bela and Step by Step Foundation.

The conference intended for all teachers and students – future teachers, was attended by approximately 500 visitors. The conference started with Microsoft’s workshop on the topic: “How to change your classroom using technology”, followed by the workshop of the OER Alliance “What are Open Educational Resources, why they are important and how they can be used”.

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The conference continued with presentations held by speakers from the country and abroad, in several halls at the same time, on various topics useful for the attendees – when it comes to their application in teaching and education.

The conference was attended by the winners of the 2014 Best OER Teacher competition, who had the opportunity to share their experiences and their work related to OER.
