What is Open Data, how to locate, download, analyze and visualize it through interactive web tools and how to substantiate your work with evidence based on accurate statistics. These are just some of the questions to be answered at the data journalism training to be held on November 28-29 in Skopje, at the premises of Coffice.
The training will be conducted in English by trainer Marco Túlio Pires, program manager of School of Data at the Open Knowledge Foundation. Everyone interested should fill out the form.
The training is organized by the Metamorphosis Foundation in cooperation with the Open Knowledge Foundation within the framework of the Open Data Civil Society Network project, with support from the British Embassy in Skopje.
Through the establishment of the School of Data – Macedonia, the project aims to empower civil society organizations, media and individuals who promote changes, to understand and use the official government data and other open data in order to increase the government’s accountability, improve delivery and services and increase citizens’ participation in policy making.