Its authors focused their attention on analyses of present situation in the countries of the region, namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Rоmania, Serbia and Macedonia.

The Reports are designed to offer fresh information and analysis to citizens and to provide insight for policy makers, as well as to serve as an advocacy tool for the e-Governance champions in the context of the EU integration process. Presented data will serve as starting point for preparations for the regional Ministerial conference, where stock will be taken of the regional good practices and lessons learnt. Precise date and location will be made available at a later stage.

“e-Governance and ICT Usage Report for SEE – 2nd Edition”

This report finds that most countries in the South East European region now have the basic legal infrastructure and institutional frameworks in place, as well as dedicated ministries, for the development of Information Societies. Accessibility to information and communication technology has also been improved throughout the region, with internet penetration currently ranging, in most countries, between 21% and 55% and broadband access available to roughly one third of the population. Nevertheless, despite this progress, the report shows that there are still significant improvements needed in order for ICT usage and e-governance practices to be fully aligned with European standards. The report concludes that more can be done to utilize the potential of information technology to enable greater levels of interaction between citizens and government and to realize the potential for the provision of online services throughout the region.

“Going the Extra Mile for the Digital Agenda e-Leadership Efforts in SEE”

This report provides a set of proposed actions and recommendations for advancing the Information Society in South Eastern Europe by looking through the EU lens. It echoes the pressing need to shift the focus from technology-enabled improvements in government operations (Electronic Government) to improvements in interactions between government, citizens, businesses and civil society (Electronic Governance). Furthermore, it suggests the enhancement of e-Governance initiatives by adopting a multi-disciplinary, multi-stakeholder and community-oriented approach, in addition to the technical and organisational perspectives.

Representatives of the Metamorphosis Foundation and NGO Open the Windows had a presentation at the meeting.
