On the occasion of December 9, International Anti-Corruption Day, we, the CSOs from the Platform of Civil Society Organizations for Fight against Corruption, join the UN global campaign “United against Corruption”.
In the upcoming period, there is a need of determined and adamant fight against corruption. According to European Commission’s Report, corruption is one of the impediments on the mutual road toward the country’s European integration. Almost every third citizen is exposed to pressure of some form of administrative corruption, and three out of four citizens believe that there is prevalent corruption in Macedonia. At the same time, the institutions continuously lack will to deal with high corruption and to initiate investigations for indications of high officials’ involvement in corruptive activities.
Therefore we call:
- The political parties that will win the elections, and those who will be in opposition, i.e. their Members of Parliament, to solve this problem jointly and seriously.
- The public prosecution offices and courts of the Republic of Macedonia on more efficient fight against corruption.
- The State Commission for Prevention of Corruption to implement efficient oversight of anti-corruption activities of all public institutions.
- The journalists to intensify investigative stories, which are one of the significant tools in the fight against corruption.
- The citizens and civil society organizations to act jointly and proactively in the inhibition of corruption and resist its acceptance as a social norm.
Fight against corruption is a social issue and will depend on the integrity of all stakeholders in the society, us as individuals and institutions included in this process. The citizens of Macedonia deserve efficient institutions with integrity in order to enjoy in a society ruled by law.
Happy International Anti-Corruption Day.
Platform of Civil Society Organizations for Fight against Corruption is founded on 9 December 2014 by 15 CSOs: Association for Democratic Initiatives, Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje, Investigative Center for Civil Society, Coalition “All for Fair Trials”, KONEKT, Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, Metamorphosis, MOST, Ohrid Institute, Transparency International Macedonia, Transparency Macedonia, Foundation Open Society – Macedonia, Forum CSRD, Center for Civil Communications and Center for Research and Policy Making.
The Platform aims at proactive, dynamic and competent civil society that will play a significant role in the fight against corruption.