Digitization, i.e. the collection and use of online tools for their analysis and decision-making, is an important process that is expected to lead to the progress of society. In all spheres and for all social groups (without exception), digitalization is an effective mechanism for improving the well-being of citizens. Technology should be accepted as part of everyday life, leading to the so-called “digital transformation”, which means the promotion of electronic operations and greater efficiency of institutions, organizations and other social entities.
In the absence of involvement of the Western Balkan countries in those studies of the European Commission, this research of ICEDA is indisputably added value. Namely, the research methodology of the Digital Agenda Observatory (DAO) has defined key indicators contained in a pre-prepared questionnaire that is simultaneously answered by selected Western Balkan countries and which will enable regional comparison that will contribute to positive competition and will be a motive for further DA implementation.
The aim of the research is to measure the progress in relation to the initial state of the areas correlated with DA. The analysis resulted in a report that deals with topics related to the chapters of EU legislation, relevant to the DA, i.e. Chapter 10, entitled – “Information Society and Media”.
You can find the report here.
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Metamorphosis Foundation and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.