On March 25, 2005, in the village Ljubojno, in the Prespa region new digital clubhouse has been established in the realms of the Digital Clubhouses Project. Association for Development of Alternative Tourism from Ljubojno applied for the Project.
The objective of the Digital Clubhouses Project organized and supported by the Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia and Foundation Metamorphosis is bridging the digital divide by establishing such digital clubhouses. Digital Clubhouses mission is providing education, access to e-databases, use of e-services (web, e-mail) and creating awareness for ICT, as well as promotion of methodologies and ideas that will help in enhancing the spreading of ICT among the people regardless age and origin.
In the digital clubhouse people can use internet, office programs, print and scan documents, play computer games, and courses are planned in the future.
Ljubojno is located in the base of the Baba Mountain and it is 20km far from nearest town Resen. Children from four villages (Ljubojno, Nakolec, Brajchino and Dolno Dupeni) learn in the primary school in Ljubojno.