The National Free and Open Source Software Policy is a document that will contain the basic principles and guidelines for the use of free software, primarily in the public institutions, which will serve as a basis when working on other strategic and legal solutions. The project is implemented by NGO Free Software Macedonia with the support of the Metamorphosis Foundation and FOSIM, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Information Society of the Republic of Macedonia.
The meeting was attended by representatives from
- Ministry of Information Society – Marija Nikoloska
- Free Software Macedonia – Novica Nakov and Daniela Nedelkova
- USAID Primary Education Project – Petar Nikoloski
- Metamorphosis Foundation – Bardhyl Jashari, Filip Stojanovski and Filip Neskoski
Topic of the meeting were the next steps in the project, with representatives of the institutions confirming the willingness to work on the planned activities, such as forming a working group in which the representatives of all stakeholders will be invited to participate, preparation of the draft Policy by the working group through an inclusive and transparent process and its adoption by the relevant national authorities.