The first debate of this series was held on April 10, 2012, at the European University, and was attended by 11 students from third year of law studies. Then, on April 17, a debate was held on the FON University, attended by 26 students from studies of political science, law, diplomacy, economic sciences, information and communication sciences. Students discussed about online privacy, censorship, and emerging trends for the use of social media in employment.
The third debate was held on April 19, at the Faculty for Tourism and Management in Skopje, with 40 students present from the departments for international marketing management, tourism, public relations and economics.
The debate scheduled for April 20 at the University Goce Delcev in Shtip was held in the student radio UGD FM, due to the exam session being held at the same time, and the representatives from Metamorphosis discussed the topic of social media, online privacy, and civil activism among the youth..
The last debate was held at the State University in Tetovo on April 23, and it was attended by 90 students from law studies and computer science studies at this university.
These debates enabled students to discuss, develop critical thinking, talk about the positive and negative sides of social media and the internet in general, to hear different ideas and opinions about the use of social media, and to be educated about this new media.
During the events, Metamorphosis conducted a mini survey on the views and opinions of students on using the internet and the social media, what they think about online privacy, whether they are careful with what they share on the social networks, whether they use the social media for civic activism and promotion, what they think about the censorship of these media etc.
The results from the mini survey will soon be published, indicating the views of the respondents on these issues.