For the fourteenth time in a row, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society is organizing the international conference The conference will take place on 11 December 2018 at Holiday Inn hotel in Skopje, and will address the topic of “Media literate citizens for accountable institutions”.
In five separate sessions, more than twenty representatives of institutions, media organizations and the civil sector will participate in discussions with the aim to contribute to the defining of the priorities in the fields of freedom of expression, media literacy, transparency and accountability.
The fact that Metamorphosis is organizing this international conference for the fourteenth time in a row demonstrates the prevailing need of such forum where all relevant stakeholders debate, therefore contribute toward the overall process of development of democratic processes in Macedonia.
All interested parties can take part in the conference by filling the registration form available at, not later than Monday, 10th December 2018, 16:00. The draft agenda is available at this website as well.
Official languages at the conference will be Macedonian, Albanian and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided between all of them.
The Metamorphosis team is at your service for any additional information. You can reach us via e-mail ( or by dialing 02/3109 325.
The conference is organized by Metamorphosis, Foundation for Internet and Society in synergy with the projects “The Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink” ( and “Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in SEE” (ACTION SEE – funded by the European Union, the projects “Media Reforms Observatory” ( and “” ( supported by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia as well as the project “Promoting, Shaping and Upholding Internet Freedoms” supported by the Association for Progressive Communications ( and the project “Developing Methodology for Citizen Monitoring of Surveillance Services in Macedonia” through IFEX (