More than 140 countries mark the Safer Internet Day on 5 February under the motto “Together for a better Internet”. The celebration of this day is an action call to all stakeholders to jointly help create a better Internet for everyone, especially the youth.
On this occasion, Metamorphosis Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Information Society and Administration commemorates this day with a new educational video for raising youth’s awareness on the need of safer and more responsible usage of online technologies and mobile phones. All interested parties may join the campaign and express support by:
- Saying NO to cyber bullying
Online bullying is a widely spread problem and all people active on social media have certainly witnessed or experienced it. However, the good news is that European youth is organizing against online bullying through the #Togetherforrespect campaign.
- Protecting their online privacy
Online privacy may seem funny from this point of view, but personal data protection is essential for safe use of online world’s benefits. Citizens’ data is constantly being collected by social media platforms and various applications used daily. If the privacy settings are disregarded, ill-intentioned people may get access to citizens’ data and may use it to harm their reputation or blackmail them.
- Learning to think critically
Internet scams can grow to extreme proportions and there can be serious consequences for the victims. Apart from scams, the problem with fake news and disinformation is even more widespread. Therefore, the development of media literacy skills is indispensable.
This website includes all worldwide activities and shows people with similar ideas and proposals trying to make the Internet a safer place for all.
Additional resources about the ways of protecting children and youth on the Internet are available at Children’s Rights on the Internet – Safe and Protected (CRISP) project or
Use the hashtags #SID2019 and #SaferInternetDay to follow the Safer Internet Day activities on social media.