Working meeting was held between representatives of the Metamorphosis Foundation, Bardhyl Jashari, Filip Stojanovski and Jovan Petrov, and Minister of information technology Ivo Ivanovski in the premises of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on February 5, 2007.
Metamorphosis team presented the activities of the Foundation Metamorphosis especially the current activities related to assistance in building institutional capacities and raising public awareness for the importance and benefit of building information society, among which are the work on National strategy for development of information society, National strategy for development of electronic communications and information technologies, International conference e-Society.Mk and ICT component of FOSIM’s Good governance project.
Minister Ivanovski said that he is open for cooperation I his sphere of work with all stakeholders, stressing that partnership between government, civil sector and business sector is necessary for overall progress of the society.
Regarding the project “Macedonia land of IT experts”, the minister explained that by stating the software systems from just one producer in the ad was just for example and that the if the bidders offer training for other software they will be included in the project. He stressed that the bidders can submit offers for each lot separately since one of the major aims of the Government is to include as much companies and organizations as possible, especially those acting on local level.