As part of the USAID Civic Engagement Project, the Metamorphosis Foundation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, conducted a two-day online training on open data. The training took place on 29 and 30 June 2020.
The training was attended by team members for data opening from the Ministry of Local Self-Government, the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption, the Public Revenue Office, the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre and the State Market Inspectorate.
The open data training aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of the people who will work on opening the data in their institutions.
During the two-day training, participants had the opportunity to gain advanced knowledge of the concept and benefits of open data and technical aspects of open data, including open data formats, open data platforms, data set structure, data quality dimensions and data set filtering and anonymization techniques. During the training, the team members for data opening from the state institutions gained advanced knowledge about the process of identification, cataloging and prioritization of data sets, as well as practical knowledge about the process of publishing data sets on the portal
The open data training is part of the activities carried out to provide technical support to certain institutions in the process of opening their data