The Community boost_r camp took place at the University of Sarajevo’s Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies on November 7-9, 2013. The camp brought together more than 100 participants from the Balkan countries. During the two days of the camp, participants focused on data: how to use (open) data in transparency efforts, strategies for corruption monitoring, open (government) data and how can ICTs help in advocacy efforts.
The Metamorphosis Foundation had two representatives at the Community boost_r camp. Bardhyl Jashari held a workshop on creating partnerships with government and public institutions to promote transparency and accountability, and Elena Ignatova participated in the last panel of the conference, aiming to provide an overview of the status of open data.

The camp was organized by the TechSoup Foundation (TechSoup Europe) and Zasto ne (BiH) in partnership with Dokukino (Serbia), Ipko Foundation (Kosovo) and with the support from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the US embassy in Sarajevo.