It’s purpose is to aggregate all kinds of e-content appearing on the Macedonian web: articles, photos, videos and the like, whether they come from already popularized websites or from not so known websites and blogs. Thus, visitors have the opportunity to obtain information from sources that are often not included in other aggregators, whereas those who submit the contents get a chance to further promote what is already published on their websites and blogs. Internet users who need to publish information, notices, announcements etc, such as the civil society sector, but don’t have their own website or blog, are able to submit the prepared contents directly to and publicly share it with the visitors of the website. The option to directly submit articles may be used by those who have not activated the option for feed aggregation of the contents from their website.
Users of the website can be visitors who regularly visit the website in order to get quick and comprehensive information on current and important things for which contents are presented on various websites with dynamics that they couldn’t otherwise follow. By registering, they get an additional opportunity to contribute by voting, commenting, submitting their sources or content and creating communities based on mutual interest on a given topic, geographic area or within the various movements for civic activism.
The groups of contents according to geographical areas are particularly important, because this is the only website where aggregation of all relevant information is allowed for groups pertaining to certain municipalities, locations, cities, villages and settlements in Macedonia. To contribute to the dissemination of local information about your community, you can add links, sources and votes for the contents submitted in the already created groups or if your municipality, city etc, is not included in the list, you can create a new group and designate the primary source of its contents.
The opportunity to vote enables links to the most popular contents to rise among the top links, fairly and democratically. The moderators, on the other hand, select the best contents on a daily basis and place them at the left side of the home page, providing an opportunity for even better promotion and popularity.
The website can also be used with some modern features such as: Placing widgets on the personal websites and blogs of users which would automatically show the contents of, buttons for quickly adding links from ping to their own websites, as well as bookmarklets allowing quick access to the functions of