Presentations of scientific electronic resources – academic journals and databases available via Electronic Information for Libraries – eIFL foundation were organised at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje and St. Clement of Ohrid University in Bitola on October 23-31, 2006. Presentations are organised within the Creative teaching and learning project of the Foundation open Society Institute Macedonia (FOSIM) that is financially supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Presenters also presented Macedonian electronic libraries. Presentations will be lead by Mr. Miodrag Dadasovikj, National and University Library – Skopje , and Ms. Jordanka Petrushevska, Metamorphosis Foundation.

Presentations were held at the Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the three pedagogical faculties in Skopje, Shtip and Bitola. Representatives of other faculties and libraries within these faculties also attended the presentations. Main objective of the presentations were to provide bigger access to eIFL databases that is free for libraries (university, research, city and other libraries), while the subscription is covered by the Foundation open Society Institute Macedonia. User benefit is very important both for the library users (students, professors, and other researchers) and for the country.

The Open Access topic was also discussed at the presentations.
