Despite the massive development of new media, the research results indicate that television is still the main source of information for as much as 91% of the population, followed by the print editions of the daily newspapers with 39%, and their online editions with 35%.

The number of internet users is increasing; hence 53% of the total target population in Macedonia with 10 to 65 years of age is using the internet. As for the primary and secondary education, 82% of students have an opportunity to use computers at school.

An interesting fact is that 41% of the internet users are not concerned about the safety of their personal data, whereas the percent of those who are concerned is slightly smaller – 37%. In case of misuse of their personal data, 80% of the internet users do not know who they should turn to. About 8% of the respondents would inform the Directorate for Personal Data Protection, 5% would address the Ministry of Interior, and 4% would contact the Agency for Electronic Communications.

Eighty percent of the total population in Macedonia have heard about the project ‘Computer for every child’, and most of them were informed by the media, but 53% of the population which is at least partially familiar with the project, does not know which institutions and organizations are involved in the project implementation. A detailed analysis of the data about the ‘Computer for every child’ project will soon be published.

Click here to view the remaining data and the full Report on the use of computers in the educational system of the Republic of Macedonia. (in Macedonian)
