A total of 111 applications were submitted to the Metamorphosis Foundation for the microgrant competition for civil society organizations within the framework of the project “Good Governance Action Network” announced in June, 2014. 15 project proposals were selected and will be awarded grants in the total amount of 70,000 euros.

The grants are awarded as part of the “Good Governance Action Network” project implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation in partnership with MCET and Reactor, with financial support from the European Commission through the IPA CIVIL SOCIETY FACILITY (CSF) 2012-2013 program.

Organization Project name Location
Citizens’ Association „Human Rights Institute“ (HRI) – Skopje ASK! Republic of Macedonia
Environmental Research and Information Center “Eko-svest” Assessment of the European Mechanisms against corruption and for environmental protection Skopje, Demir Kapija
Local Community Development Foundation Stip Citizens’ lens Municipality of Stip
Association for Development and Activism – AQUA Public VS Usurped Municipality of Struga
Analitika – Policy Research Association (Gostivar) Oversight of the public funds spending, tenders and public procurements in the Macedonian energy sector Skopje
Center for Sustainable Community Development Change starts with us, healthy food – healthy children Debar, Centar Zhupa
Citizens’ Association for Economic Research, Advocacy and Economic Policies “Finance Think” Skopje Local development or current expenditures: What are the municipal funds being spent for? 15 largest municipalities in Macedonia according to the number of residents
Civil Society Association “September 8” Creating social policies, social aid without corruption Municipality of Centar, Municipality of Strumica
National Council for Gender Equality Using the access to information of public character to promote social protection and transparency of the local self-governments Mogila, Rosoman and Aracinovo
Coalition of Citizens’ Associations “All for fair trials” Oversight of court cases related to organized crime and corruption Skopje
Roma Community Center “DROM” I have the right to be informed! Kumanovo
Rural Community Development Institute Establishing a system for improvement of the inclusion of the civic and business sector in the decision making process on a local level Municipality of Resen
Borka-Association for Fight against Cancer What about the patients’ rights? Skopje, Strumica, Veles
ICT for Changes Electronic records system for tourists in Tetovo Municipality of Tetovo
ZIP Institute Increasing the capacities for cooperation between the Municipality of Saraj and the NGOs in the Municipality of Saraj Municipality of Saraj
Frame by Frame Kontra kadar Bitola
