How to identify, find, clean and analyze data, and later how to present the results from the data analysis. This is the entire process of working with data covered by the two-day training held within the D.A.T.A. – Data Analytics for Transparency and Accountability project at the CEM Club in Skopje on 21 and 22 June.
Apart from acquiring theoretical knowledge, the ten participants, representatives of the civil sector in Macedonia, actively participated in the training by identifying, analyzing and presenting data on a specific topic related to accountability and transparency.
This project aims to impact the manner in which journalists and civil society associations work with data, i.e. to provide compliance with professional and ethical standards through data-based journalism, but also to create an added value through innovative presentation of results deriving from data analysis.
D.A.T.A. – Data Analytics for Transparency and Accountability project was one of the three projects that received grants via PeaceTech Exchange: Macedonia, an event that took place on 13 and 14 December 2017 in Skopje. It’s a mentorship workshop organized by PeaceTech Lab and Democracy Lab.
This project was funded in part through a U.S. Embassy grant. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed herein are those of the implementers/authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Government.