Internet Society Bulgaria
within the FLOSSWorld project organized workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria on
March 30 and 31, 2007. Metamorphosis Foundation team participated in
the workshop and presented the situation with the applied policies and
free and open source software in Macedonia in the period between March
2006 and March 2007.

is part of the Framework Program 6 funded by EU for gathering and
analyzing empirical data  on the impact of FOSS, aiming to strengthen
Europe’s leadership in international research in FLOSS and open
standards, and to exploit research and policy complementarities to
improve international cooperation, by building a global constituency of
policy-makers and researchers.

The seminar was organized in two lines. The first day was used for
presentation of the current project results. Mr. Rudiger Glott at the
Maastriht’s United Nations University related and compared the results with the previous similar project FLOSSPols. Experiences related to free and open source software from Croatia were presented by Marcel Mars representative of the Multimedia Institute from Zagreb and Ivana Fastic Pajk representative of the Croatian Academic and Research Network
(CARNET), from Macedonia were presented by Filip Stojanovski and
Jordanka Petrushevska representatives of the Metamorphosis Foundation,
and from Bulgaria were presented by Todor Jalmov, representative of the
Center for the Study of Democracy.

Presentation about Macedonia focused on the results of the research Challenges and obstacles: Usage of Free and Open Source Software in local government in Macedonia, activities related to public distribution of free and open source software, experiences and initial results from the training for municipalities, UNDP activities as well as preparedness for cooperation of the national government
in the field of development of information society with example of
further specification of the terms of the tender announced within the
“Macedonia – land of IT experts” project according to the principles of
independent software platform and vendor, thus supporting the citizen’s freedom of choice.

The second day of the seminar was dedicated to the discussion for
international cooperation and projects related to the use if free and
open source software in education and business sector. Professor Ivan
Evgueniev at the Technical University of Sofia presented the FP6 Open Trusted Computing
project, professor Vencislav Trifonov also at the Technical University
of Sofia presented their e-learning system, Mircho Mirev elaborated the
activities of the Bulgarian free and open source software community
through the Linux for Bulgarians portal with over 5.000 hits per day. In addition the Edubunty based education solution, implemented by group of teenagers was presented.
