So far, Macedonia had no specific legal regulation covering the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment, but as part of the process of adoption of EU law, the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning drafted the Law on management of electrical and electronic equipment and waste electrical and electronic equipment.
The study is a starting point for all that should be done after the adoption of the Law on management of electrical and electronic equipment and waste electrical and electronic equipment, and for the impending responsibilities and challenges. The research method is qualitative, using first-hand sources, such as interviews and legal documents, and secondary sources such as analyses of the perception of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia for the e-waste and the quantity of e-waste in the households.
Отпад од електронска и електрична опрема: Предизвици, обврски, очекувања (Студија)
This document is prepared within the framework of the project ‘Strengthening citizens participation in the legislative process’ of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), in accordance with the current project of Metamorphosis: ‘Balkan e-Waste Management Advocacy Network’.