Today’s constitutive session, chaired by the Minister of information society and administration, Damjan Manchevski, saw the formation of the Digital Information and Communication Technologies Forum (ICT Digital Forum) as a partner and coalition forum for exchange of ideas between institutions and other stakeholders who support the digital partnership.
The Ministry of Information Society and Administration (MISA) emphasizes that the idea for forming the forum has resulted from the recognized importance of the digital transformation as well as the fourth industrial revolution, which necessitate participation in joint coordination of all parties with a view to support the transition of the economy and domestic market.
Prof. Boro Jakimovski, PhD, representative of the academia and professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FCSE) has been elected Forum’s head, while vice head is Mr. Bardhyl Jashari, representative appointed by the NGO sector and Executive Director of Metamorphosis Foundation.
In addition, this session established the meeting dynamics, future steps as regards specifying the mission statement and the goals of the newly formed Digital Forum as well as the manner of future communication with the National Cyber Security and ICT Council.
Apart from the Minister of information society and administration, Damjan Manchevski, and the president of the National Cyber Security and ICT Council, Vladimir Cvetkovikj, the Forum has 12 more members who are part of the NGO sector and academia as well as Chambers of Commerce related to information and communication technologies.
The Digital Forum shall base its operations on exchange of ideas, experiences and information in the area of information society and it provides coordination and participation in the development of information society in the public, private and civil sector and academia as well.
Minister Damjan Manchevski extended his gratitude to the attendees for their desire to help and participate actively in the Forum, which seeks to hear the order side of the IT sector, besides the government institutions, that would help develop policies and strategies in the areas of information and communication technologies and information society as well.