The selection of graphics solutions illustrating the forms against hate speech on the internet has started. The illustrations submitted as part of the initiative against online hate speech aim to identify the occurrences of hate speech, and indicate the damage that hate speech on the internet is causing to society as a whole.
The audience can view the 18 submitted graphics solutions at the Facebook page: until March 17, 2 p.m.
The solution that gets most of the likes will be selected as the most popular solution for the audience, and the author will win a 200 euros cash prize.
The 18 submitted graphics solutions will be separately evaluated by the jury composed of representatives of the initiative against hate speech. Assessing both the idea and innovativeness, the jury will choose the most creative solution that will be used as visual elements for the design of the website, and as part of the promotional activities against online hate speech. The winner selected by the jury will receive a prize of 500 euros.