ИКТ Водич бр. 9 – Право на говор не е право на говор на омраза

„Право на говор не е право на говор на омраза“, е брошурата за средношколци која како деветти водич за ИКТ на Метаморфозис има за цел да го претстави и лоцира говорот на омраза како и да посочи на механизмите со кои истиот може да се пријави и санкционира.

Comic book “Under surveillance”

The Comic book “Under surveillance” is produced as an information and awareness tool for young adults.Synopsis: In an unspecified European city, a group of young people works, studies, travels, publishes on forums and blogs, exchanges on social networks and meets at concerts… A “difficult” situation in the life of a young photo-journalist and his friends’ […]

Roadmap for Inclusive eGovernment in the Western Balkans

“Inclusive eGovernment is about using digital technologies to provide public services which improve people’s lives, encourage participation in the local community, strengthen democracy and help those at risk of exclusion from society.” – European Commission Regional Inclusive eGovernment Roadmap is a product of the Western Balkans Network for Inclusive eGovernment Project, supported by the East […]

National strategy for information society development & Action plan

Опис на стратегијата и акциониот план за развој на информатичко општество.