It’s Your Money

Period: November 1st – December 30th, 2015 With the project “It’s Your Money” Metamorphosis succeeded in creating capacity for production of current affairs video documentaries focused on investigative journalism about spending of taxpayers’ money in Macedonia. Within the short timeframe, it created, equipped and trained a correspondent network that produced, published and promoted six video-stories […]


The project “We-Go” aims to transfer and to adapt successfully “eGovernment Good Practices and Knowledge” and will enable follow-up implementation projects including accompanying measures targeted to reinforce and innovate eGovernment research in Western Balkan Countries (WBC) together with EU partners. The project “We-Go” will enable public administration in WBC to reach higher productivity and equity […]

SEE Youth and Media Initiative

The project “Youth and Media” aims at analyzing the position of youth and media in 11 South-East European Countries. Metamorphosis Foundation and Youth Educational Forum, as the lead activity in this project, implemented a research aiming to explore the relations between youth and media. The research investigates the position of youth in media, the needs […]

Open access

Current potential Open Access content creators lack awareness of the full potential of digital technologies, and sometimes lack some basic skills related to use of software systems. Most acutely, many academics, scientists and researchers fail to enter the scientific debate at all, and rarely publish the results of their work, as number of citations and […]

Online Privacy Initiative

Metamorphosis will carry out an assessment of the practices and procedures of the institutions, organizations, and firms for handling personal data. For this purpose a special methodology will be developed by an interdisciplinary working group. The assessment will serve as a baseline study to further develop project activities. Additionally, awareness raising campaign will be implemented […]

Civil Society and New Technologies in the SEE Region – Strengthening the Contextual Use of New Technologies in the Work of the Civil Society Sector

The project enables the creation of communication channels and opportunities for collaboration with other civil society organizations and other institutions, thus creating fertile ground for joint activities in future projects aimed at achieving common goals on a regional level. General goal: Connecting initiatives of civil society organizations on a regional level by using new technologies […]


e-Riders project (official blog of the Project) strengthens NGO capacity in Macedonia in order to convey their message, to incite civic participation in society, to work together and to serve to their communities better. E-Riders are mobile consultants that provide support to civil society organisations for optimal use of ICT as means to more efficient […]

Digital Clubhouses

Twelve digital clubhouses have been opened in the Republic of Macedonia within the frames of the Digital Clubhouses project, which was implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation. The Digital Clubhouses offer various activities and services including access to ICT for the members of the community with the aim of supporting their social and economic development. Digital […]

Increasing Use of Governmental Websites as Tools for Transparency, Accountability and e-Participation

The research project examined the current level of use of governmental websites at municipal and state level ( websites) in the areas of transparency, accountability and e-participation in decision making, and provided recommendations on how to overcome the obstacles that prevent realising the full potential of new technologies in these areas. The extent of the […]

Follow the money

The “Follow the money” web service ( aims to familiarize citizens with the fiscal policies of local self-governments, through a simple and transparent presentation of their budgets, i.e. incomes and expenditures of the municipalities since 2008. The service contains information that would enable citizens to monitor the spending in their communities, in order to raise […]

New Media Sustainability Conference

The conference on new media sustainability in Macedonia took place on May 11, 2013, attended by about 80 representatives of the media sector, such as reporters and editors, NGO representatives, marketing agencies and international experts. The event was organized by Metamorphosis and financially supported by the U.S. Embassy. The conference aimed at communicating the experiences […]

Free Access to Public Information

The Republic of Macedonia adopted the Law on Free Access to Public Information in 2006, and the legal framework was improved with the amendments to the law in 2010. Despite this promising development of the legal framework, it is often difficult to assess and to know how much these laws actually correspond with reality and […]