‘Open’ one of keywords in Hungary’s ICT strategy
Open standards and free and open source are central to Hungary’s approach to ICT, says Gábor Fekete, deputy secretary of state, in his opening address to the conference organised by the government’s resource centre on open source, on 27 November in Budapest. The government wants to strengthen the domestic IT sector, become less locked-in by IT vendors, lower the cost of its ICT solutions and make sure its electronic government services are interoperable.Achieving interoperability is a central principle for the government’s 2014 – 2020 plans for local and state public administrations, Fekete says. Design of the government’s ICT systems still has to overcome a “fifteen year-old debt”, Fekete. “ICT modernisation is essential for improving and simplifying the government services.”The deputy secretary of state told the conference attendees that the government wants to make educational materials and free software solutions freely available. He said that free and open source software will be part of the central solutions, answering to the expectations of public institutions and enterprises. Source: „’Open’ one of keywords in Hungary’s ICT strategy“ December 17, 2013