Fact-checking of Facebook content



Our commitment

Combating fake news is an enormous responsibility. Systematic fact-checking and reporting based on confirmed truth increase the level of media and information literacy, and at the same time provide support in building the democratic values ​​of society.

The Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society has been working on fact-checking for years through its program Media for Democracy. Over 10,000 contents from various genres and topics have been published as part of Truthmeter, proverkanafakti.mk and crithink.mk. The experience and commitment led to numerous collaborations and partnerships, the last of which was in August 2020 when the social network Facebook, together with Metamorphosis and the portal Truthmeter started cooperating within the fact-checking program of content shared on Facebook originating in our country.


How does it work?

Fact-checking is not a personal assessment of what is true and what is false. Fact-checking is a concrete and clear task, a process, and for facts to be facts, there must be evidence. Based on a methodology established by Facebook (Facebook’s Third-Party Fact Checking Program), professional organizations from over 75 countries around the world are part of this program through which they identify potentially fake news, review the facts contained in the identified fake news, and report to Facebook, and then Facebook decides how it will act concerning the visibility of that content on the network.

This program does not include the option to delete content from the social network Facebook but provides for marking is as fake, reducing its reach to users and warning users who see it or wish to share it that it is marked as fake content.


Who is responsible?

The fact-checking of Facebook content is done by the Truthmeter team. Truthmeter is a portal for public accountability and transparency, which deals with fact-checking in the media, independently and in cooperation with other fact-checking projects within the Metamorphosis Foundation. The portal publishes materials in three languages: Macedonian (vistinomer.mk), Albanian (vertetmates.mk) and English (truthmeter.mk). As of 2019, Truthmeter is the only licensed member of the International Fact-Finding Network from North Macedonia.

