The project aim is to promote openness and transparency of legislative and executive branches in Southeast Europe.
Within this project, the ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in SEE conducts annual research on the openness of the executive and legislative institutions in the Western Balkans. The research is carried out through the Regional Openness Index based on which we determine to what extent the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia make publicly available information from their field of work.
The goal of the activity is to provide an analysis of the situation in this domain of public administration work, contribute to the implementation of reforms and influence the strengthening of the principles of good management, and ultimately help the institutions themselves to apply them more effectively in their work. Institutional openness monitoring was first carried out in 2017, and has been carried out regularly since then.
On the following website you can find more details about the results of the institution’s openness measurement so far.
Timeline: 1.11.2024 – 31.10.2026
Donor: National Endowment for Democracy – NED
Center for Democratic Transition
Partners for Democratic Change Serbia
Citizens Association Why not?
Bosnia and Herzegovina