Open Educational Resources Initiative



The overall project goal is to contribute to the development of critical thinking and democratization in Macedonia through the constructive use of new technologies as tools to increase the quantity and quality of educational, scientific and academic e-content.

Particularly, the project has a specific aim to raise the awareness and build the capacity of the academia for creating and using open educational resources.

Expected results:

  • Raise the awareness about the importance of the concept of open educational resources and contribute towards the improvement of the legal and institutional frameworks to make them more convenient for e-content development
  • Improve the visibility of academic publications and create new resources that would be used to promote and aggregate publications under the Creative Commons licenses and with open access
  • Increase the quality of educational content relevant for the pupils and students in Macedonia
  • Increase the quality of local content freely available online by increasing the public awareness and the level of IT skills, based on the application of best practices.

Implementation period: December 2011 – Ongoing