Inciting local e-content
This project aims to incite creation of local e-content in Macedonia, increasing the level of online production in the local languages and increasing the quality of the available content, especially when related to education and Open Access. It will use two-pronged approach of capacity building of potential and current content creators, as well as providing digital infrastructure for motivating such creation based on promotion of content in local languages and resulting user feedback.
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to constructive use of digital technologies as tools for critical thinking and democratization in Macedonia, through increasing the quantity and quality of e-content.
- To raise awareness of the importance of local e-content and contribute to improved legal/institutional environment conducive to content creation
- To improve visibility of independent and nonprofit publications promoting critical thinking, and to create new resources to promote and aggregate open-access publications
- To increase quantity of content relevant to citizens of Macedonia, in local languages and English by utilizing non-financial motivation factors
- To increase the quality of local content available online through increased awareness and level of IT skills, based on application of best practices
Summary of the activities
- Raising public awareness through continuous public presentations about the forms that the citizens can use to contribute to local content creation (blogs, Open Access, Wikipedia, and using existing media), as well as advocating of improvement of the legal framework in order to enable introduction of digital content creation within the public education system.
- Increasing capacities of current and potential content creators through trainings on blogging, Open Access, using and updating Wikipedia, and use of social networking.
- Motivating content creation based on increased traffic and feedback towards the individual websites by developing an aggregator platform that would inclusively present the user-generated and educational content from the Macedonian web. The platform will include filtering and personalization mechanisms enabling user participation in the editorial process, using the wisdom of the crowd to enhance “discovery” of relevant content and utilization of needs of niche knowledge “markets,” such as content in all local languages.
- Follow up activities for development of online journalism, cooperation with editorial boards of traditional media which have online presence and online media in order to incite civic participation and networking, as well as providing support for activities increasing pluralism in reporting and coverage of current events, as basis for enabling critical thinking and analysis by the citizens, countering tendencies for monopolization of truth by centers of power.
- Follow up activities for development of online journalism, cooperation with editorial boards of traditional media which have online presence and online media in order to incite civic participation and networking, as well as providing support for activities increasing pluralism in reporting and coverage of current events, as basis for enabling critical thinking and analysis by the citizens, countering tendencies for monopolization of truth by centers of power.
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