National Strategy for Development of Electronic Communications and Information Technologies

In the new era leaders (countries, regions, companies and individuals) will be the ones that will promptly reach correct decisions based in the profound understanding of the complex trends of information and communication technologies. Those who will not do that are risking staying on the margins of the world development.

Republic of Macedonia must develop towards information society provided it wants to keep the pace with the developed countries. In order to achieve this, there must be a partnership between Government, civil and business sector.

As a result of such partnership in 2005 National Strategy for Development of Information Society together with the Action plan were drafted and adopted with wide consensus. Next step in the development of information society is drafting the National Strategy for Development of Electronic Communications and Information Technologies that will be fundamental document that will define the infrastructure of the information and communication technologies.

According to the Law on Electronic Communications , National Strategy for Development of Electronic Communications and Information Technologies is drafted by the Ministry of transport and communications of the Republic of Macedonia. Therefore, a working group with representatives of Ministry of transport and communications, local self-government units, business sector, civil sector, regulatory bodies, etc., has been formed.

National Strategy for Development of Electronic Communications and Information Technologies will define the measures related to the basic infrastructural foundation for information society which is necessary for implementation and development of the basic postulates of information society (e-governance, e-education, e-business, etc.), and the ultimate goal of the strategy is the goal we are all striving at – improving the quality of living in Macedonia.

Both strategies, National Strategy for Development of Information Society and National Strategy for Development of Electronic Communications and Information Technologies will be base for drafting strategies that will define all aspects of the information society in Macedonia.

Working group, in which representatives of Metamorphosis Foundation also participate, will complete the draft version on February 28, and from March 1 the text will be available to wider public and through constructive public debate a quality strategy should be produced that should be proposed by the Government and made official by the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia.

Nikolche Mickoski


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