Our summer reading recommendation

When it comes to summer reading, many opt for easy and enjoyable reads, but we have an excellent recommendation for those looking for something more profound.

“The Mirage of Truth: Complexities and Challenges of Disinformation in the Western Balkans” is a perfect read for those who want to learn more about the disinformation landscape in the region.

This publication covers various topics, including: governments’ capacities to tackle disinformation, legislative venues for counter-disinformation tactics, regulation of the digital space, adaptations to education curricula, and possibilities and limits to whole-of-society cooperation mechanisms.

The publication can be accessed here and was released as part of the project “Strengthening Societal Resilience and Countering Foreign Perpetrated Disinformation in 6 Western Balkan Countries.”

The section discussing the situation in North Macedonia was written by the director of the Metamorphosis Foundation – Bardhyl Jashari.

This publication is particularly recommended for future researchers and practitioners as it encourages them to consider how disinformation impacts the entire social ecosystem, spanning from security and foreign policy to governance, media, and education.


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