Call for Applications – Grants for Civil Society Organizations
ICEDA is delighted to inform you about an upcoming Call for Applications that would to provide support to CSOs to promote the Digital Agenda through the second Small Grants Scheme Cycle LOT 2:
Announcement for Call for applications
The Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda (ICEDA) network issues an: ANNOUNCEMENT CALL FOR APPLICATIONS ICEDA is delighted to inform you about an upcoming Call for Applications that would to provide support
Call for Applications – Grants for CSOs
ICEDA is pleased to inform you about the upcoming Call for Applications that would provide support to CSOs to promote the Digital Agenda through the first cycle of small grant schemes LOT 1:
Announcement for a Call for Applications
ИЦЕДА со задоволство ве информира за претстојниот Повик за апликации што би обезбедил поддршка на ГО за промовирање на Дигиталната агенда преку првиот циклус на грантовата шема за мали грантови ЛОТ 1: Доделување
ICEDA held an Online information session for the grant scheme on 10 September 2020
Within the project “Increasing Civic Engagement in the Digital Agenda – ICEDA” which is co-funded by the European Union and implemented in 6 countries (North Macedonia, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania and Estonia), Metamorphosis