Growth of eGovernment services in Macedonia

This study shows the enormous growth of eGovernment services in Republic of Macedonia for the period of 2004 up to 2007. It is shown that in comparison to the EU member states and new member states Macedonia has also growing trend and will reach the objectives set in EU states, but at least 5 years […]

Comic book “Under surveillance”

The Comic book “Under surveillance” is produced as an information and awareness tool for young adults.Synopsis: In an unspecified European city, a group of young people works, studies, travels, publishes on forums and blogs, exchanges on social networks and meets at concerts… A “difficult” situation in the life of a young photo-journalist and his friends’ […]

European Privacy and Human Rights (EPHR) 2010

“European Privacy and Human Rights (EPHR) 2010” is a report published by Privacy International, EPIC, and the Center for Media and Communications Studies (CMSC) of the Central European University, investigating the scope of privacy and data protection laws a in Europe. The study includes 33 individual reports covering issues from privacy enforcement to ID cards, […]

National policy for information society

Опис на националната политика за информатичко општество.