Употребата на компјутери и интернет во образовниот систем на РМ

Анализа на контекстот на досегашната компјутеризацијата и дигитализацијата на образованието (сите јавно достапни национални документи, евалуациски извештаи од спроведени програми, изјави за јавност и сл.).

Analysis of the Situation with e-Learning in Macedonia

The models of coordination and integration of activities should also be directed towards the individual users or groups, and not only towards the entities working on the production of resources. This means creation of an online service or webpages as an easy way to access resources that are available for use. This research is made […]

Analysis of the Situation with e-Learning in Macedonia

The models of coordination and integration of activities should also be directed towards the individual users or groups, and not only towards the entities working on the production of resources. This means creation of an online service or webpages as an easy way to access resources that are available for use. This research is made […]