Bardhyl Jashari

Bardhyl Jashari is the director of Metamorphosis Foundation (Macedonia). His professional interests are mainly in the sphere of new technologies, media, civic activism, e-government and participation. Previously he worked as Information Program Coordinator of the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia. In both capacities, he has run national and international-scope projects, involving tight cooperation with other international organizations, governmental bodies, the business and the civic sector.

He is a member of the National Council for Information Society of Macedonia and National Expert for Macedonia of the UN World Summit Award. In the past he was a member of the Task Force for National Strategy for Information Society Development and served as a commissioner at the Agency for Electronic Communication (26.04.2005  -  06.10.2010).

Bardhyl holds a master degree at Paris 12 University-Faculty of Public Administration (France) and an Information System Designer Degree from University of Zagreb (Croatia).

Filip Stojanovski

He holds a BSc Degree  in  Computer  Science  from Graceland University  (USA) and Masters in e-business management from Université Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne (France).

Since 1995 he has been active  in  the Macedonian civil society through  volunteer  projects  in  the  area  of  consumer  protection  and  e-publishing,  and  through  professional involvement as an IT expert. He is also a contributor on information society topics to the traditional and new media in Macedonia.

His responsibilities within Metamorphosis Foundation include project coordination, research and PR. In 2005 served as a member of the Task Force for National Strategy for Information Society Development.

Marija Panchevska

She holds a degree in economics from the Faculty of Economy Finance Department, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Her professional interests are mainly in the field of finance management and audit. She has worked in the area of public finances management, public sector accounting, IPA project monitoring as well as ISO standards implementation activities.

She joined the Metamorphosis Foundation’s team in July 2017 as a grant coordinator, and since April 2018, she has been occupying the financial manager position. Her responsibilities in the Metamorphosis Foundation include keeping track of expenses, preparation of financial reports for the projects as well as other ongoing activities related to Foundation’s functioning.

Danche Danilovska-Bajdevska

Има дипломирано на Правниот факултет „Јустинијан Први“ на Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје. Со звање магистер на правни науки се стекна на истиот факултет. Во Семос едукација ја заврши HR Академијата акредитирана од МОН.

Од 2000 година е активна во граѓанското општество. Стекнува искуство како програмски специјалист преку развивање програмски стратегии, планирање и спроведување на проектни активности во различни области кои го унапредуваат владеењето на правото и доброто управување, со фокус на антикорупција, транспарентност и отчетност, слобода на изразување, заштита на човековите права, граѓански мониторинг и надзор. Има искуство во застапувања пред креаторите на јавни политики за приближување на македонското законодавство со правото на ЕУ. Во 2004 година беше член на работната група за креирање политика за слободен пристап до информации од јавен карактер. Во 2011г. учествуваше во иницијативата на граѓанското општество за пристапување на земјата во Партнерството за отворена власт. Исто така, во 2018г. беше член на работната група за креирање нова законска рамка за спречување корупција и судир на интереси, како и дел од експертскиот тим кој ја развиваше Стратегијата за транспарентност на Владата во 2019 и 2023г.

Од 2023 се приклучува во тимот на Фондацијата Метаморфозис со задолженија да учествува во стратешкото планирање, планирање и координирање проекти, истражувања и анализи, како и координација и соработка со вработените.

Goran Rizaov

Program manager at the Metamorphosis Foundation and a journalist based in Skopje with experience as a reporter for print and electronic media. He works mainly on Good governance projects, open data related projects and data analysis and visualizations.

Goran was a Professional Development Year fellow in 2011/2012 studying data journalism, precision journalism and online media at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, ASU, Phoenix, Arizona. He holds a bachelor degree in journalism from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Goran was awarded the investigative journalism award "Nikola Mladenov" for 2015 in Macedonia.

Mila Josifovska Danilovska

A Bachelor in English Language and Literature at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius-Skopje, with years of working experience in the civil sector and a special contribution in the field of youth work and volunteering. She joined the team of the Foundation Metamorphosis in May 2019 as a project coordinator of the project ACTION SEE - Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in the South East Europe region.

Her previous work experience is based on working with youth and on European projects as part of the Executive Board of the Association Center for Intercultural Dialogue. Additionally, Mila has contributed to the capacity building of youth and youth workers as a trainer on topics related to non-formal education, youth work, volunteering and social inclusion. She appears as an editor, author and translator of several publications and manuals.

Vladimir Petreski

Editor of the Macedonian Media Fact Checking Service (MFCS -

He is a long-term journalist & editor. He has been part of Mlad Borec magazine, Demokratski Forum, Republika, Republika Mladost  (Republika Youth), MILS – Macedonian Information & Liaison Service (later renamed as MIC – Macedonian Information Centre).

In the last 5 years, prior to becoming MFSC editor – he was business editor at the Spic daily newspaper (2009-2011), and later on at Plusinfo ( - 2011-2012), Libertas ( – 2012) and NovaTV ( – 2013) news web sites.

Elida Zylbeari

Experienced journalist and editor. She is working at Metamorphosis Foundation as project leader on projects related to freedom of speech and projects related to strengthening media in Macedonia.

She holds a master’s degree on Diplomacy and bachelor’s degree in Communication sciences from SEE University in North Macedonia.

Since 2012 she is the Editor in chief of the Albanian news portal

Since 2018 she is the Editor in chief of the Albanian version of the project for promoting and teaching media literacy, Critical Thinking for Mediawise Citizens – CriThink.

From 2014 – 2018 she was a board member of The Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia.

From 2012 until 2014 she was the Editor in chief of the Albanian version of the factchecking project Media Fact-Checking Service.

She is certified trainer by TechSoup for Media Literacy and Countering Disinformation.

She has been a panelist is various national and international conferences on issues concerning freedom of speech and media, media literacy, digital and investigative journalism, good governance and transparency

Anita Milanovska

Anita obtained her bachelor's degree in Business Economics at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Most of her working experience is within administration and finance, when working in international companies, as well as budgetary finance in education.

Her responsibilities as part of the Metamorphosis Foundation include paperwork, keeping record of expenses and preparation of financial project reports.


Elena Stojanova

She holds a degree in engineering from the St. Clement of Ohrid University – Bitola.

Became a part of Metamorphosis Foundation’s team in March 2018 as an administrative and financial assistant. She’s an active participant in Metamorphosis’ ongoing projects, administration and finance sections. Also, she contributes to other ongoing administrative activities related to Foundation’s functioning.

Previous work experience in insurance (general), first as an insurance agent, then she joined the public procurement procedures (drafting and delivering of financial offers, electronic auctions etc.) through the Electronic Public Procurement System at an insurance company in Macedonia.

Marijana Janceska

Master in Cultural Studies with completed several specialist studies in the field of communications management. Her career in the civil society sector includes many years of experience as a grant coordinator, project coordinator, and monitoring and evaluation specialist. Marijana also appears as an editor, author and translator of several publications.

She joins the Metamorphosis Foundation team in December 2020 and works as a openness and Engagement Specialist on USAID’s Civic Engagement Project.

Despina Kovačevska

Special educator and rehabilitator with many years of experience in the education of children with special needs and trainer for the inclusion of students with disabilities in the Erasmus program. Despina started her career as a grantee of the LGBT Center and the Helsinki Committee and worked on developing the capacities of marginalized communities. Later, she became part of the project "Support to Electoral Reforms in North Macedonia" of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), where she acquired the knowledge of monitoring the government program.

Within the Metamorphosis Foundation, Despina is hired as a Media Monitoring Specialist.

Valon Abdiu

Bachelor in information engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Skopje. He has an extensive experience (since 1999) of working with international organizations in Macedonia, including the OSCE Mission, as a project coordinator, senior administrative assistant and translator.

Between 2009 and 2011, he worked as an information assistant at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Tetovo University. At the same time, he was coordinator of the Erasmus exchange student program at this University.

He started his cooperation with Metamorphosis in 2009, and since 2011 he has been working as a translator of content published on websites of the respective projects. Since August 2017, he’s been coordinating the TechSoup projects for the region of Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo. He also coordinates the Meet and Code project, part of the EU Codeweek.

Olivera Vojnovska

Political journalist with more than 30 years of experience. She started her journalistic career at Nova Makedonija daily, where she worked from 1993 to 1999, then continued working at Utrinski Vesnik from 1999 to 2011.

Lately, she has been working on projects related to professional and ethical standards in journalism as well as accountability and good governance. Between 2013 and 2015 she was writing reviews for the Media Fact Checking Service, and has been an editor of Truthmeter since 2015.

She holds a degree in civil engineering from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje

Teofil Blazhevski

Editor and journalist at Metamorphosis Foundation, who has been working on Media Fact-Checking Service and Truthmeter media projects since 2015.

Blazhevski holds a degree in journalism, and has upgraded his formal education by attending a number of training sessions both in Macedonia and abroad.

He has 33 years of experience under his belt, with more than 27 years of professional experience as a reporter, editor and editor in chief (9 years) at numerous print and electronic media, including the new media as well.

Blazhevski is a member of Council of Media Ethics of Macedonia’s Press Complaints Commission since 2014, vice head of Independent Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and member of Transparency International – Macedonia’s Steering Board

Idlir Luma

Во 2019 година дипломира на Правен факултет на Државниот Универзитет во Тетово, а потоа во 2022 завршува магистерски студии по кривично право на истиот факултет. Во рамките на Фондацијата Метаморфозис е ангажиран како програмски асистент на повеќе проекти кои се во склоп на програмите Општествена одговорност и Човекови права на интернет.


Meri Jordanovska

Meri is a professional journalist with almost twenty years of experience in the media, as a researcher, reporter and analyst. She has won numerous awards for investigative journalism, graduated from the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Law at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, and upgraded her experience as a participant and lecturer in numerous international conferences and trainings. Also, she was part of international projects for investigative journalism.

Jordanovska is the deputy-editor-in-chief at the Meta News Agency. Her main topics of interest are the rule of law, the fight against organized crime and corruption, media independence and human rights and freedoms.

Jordanovska is a member of the Appeals Commission of the Council for Media Ethics of Macedonia and President of the Supervisory Board of the Association of Journalists of Macedonia.

Antonija Popovska

A professional journalist with more than sixteen years of work experience in the profession. She graduated from the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus", and gained her professional experience in several newsrooms as a journalist and editor.

She has won awards and recognitions for published journalistic texts and stories and participated in international investigative journalism projects. She is the author of many successful projects in the field of education, including articles, manuals and guides for students.

She has been working as a journalist in the news agency "" (part of Metamorphosis Foundation) for more than four years. She is covering the areas of education, health and social welfare.

Antonija started his professional career in the daily newspaper "Vreme" in 2006, and continued in the daily newspaper "Nova Makedonija". In recent years, she has worked as a freelancer on several projects and has been a contributor to several online media.


Beti Simjanoska-Trajchevska

Дипломира политички студии на Правниот факултет Јустинијан I при Универзитетот Св. „Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје.

Магистрира  на Економскиот Институт при при Универзитетот Св. „Кирил и Методиј“ каде стекнува титула магистер по економски науки во областа на финансиски менаџмент.

Повеќе од 2 децении работела како сметководител во ФООМ, како и сметководител на неколку други НВО-а и фондации кои биле дел од спин-оф програмите на ФООМ.

Во тимот на Фондација Метаморфозис се вклучува во 2023 како сметководител.

Nadica Stamboldziska

Се придружува на тимот на Метаморфозис во 2023 година како проектна координаторка во рамките на програмата Медиуми за демократија, ангажирана на проекти врзани со справување со дезинформации. По професија преведувачка од англиски на македонски јазик и обратно, своето работно искуство го гради долги години во граѓанскиот сектор, особено во областите медиуми, образование и развој на граѓанското општество, а нејзиниот ангажман вклучува координација и спроведување на активности и грантови, како и административна, логистичка и комуникациска поддршка.

Biljana Kochoska

Нејзината специјалност се движи помеѓу културен активизам и разбирање на психологијата на масите при развивање на комуникација во ерата на новите технологии/медиуми и модерната комплексна општествена средина, која тие ја создаваат.

Комуникација, маркетинг и односи со јавност се сферите во кои најмногу го искористува својот потенцијал и знаење движејќи се од копирајтер, концептуалист, акаунт менаџер, специјалист за нови медиуми, проект менаџер, организатор на настани, и стратегист за комуникации низ својата кариера.

Има дипломирано психологија на Филозофскиот факултет при Универзитетот св. Кирил и Методиј во Скопје, а својата магистерска диплома ја доби на Факултетот за Комуникации и нови медиуми при универзитетот Њујорк во Скопје.

Активностите во Метаморфозис се во рамките на следење на комуникациски трендови, подготовка на соодветни комуникациски стратегии, промотивни кампањи, организација на настани и креативни концепти.

Во слободно време се занимава со активности за унапредување на културата, креативно пишување и борба за човекови права.

Fisnik Xhelili

Fisnik Xhelili is a journalist, since 2021 he has been working at the Metamorfozis Foundation on the portal

Fisnik has a bachelor's degree on International Communication from South East European University in Tetovo. During his studies, he attended one semester at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and another at the University of Education in Heidelberg, Germany.

He is currently pursuing his master's degree in international relations and diplomacy at South East European University in Skopje.

He is a civil society activist, mainly for youth problems and gender discrimination. Fisnik is co-founder of the Center for Equal Opportunities "Mollëkuqja".

Матеј Тројачанец

Matej Trojachanec

Во 2020 година дипломирал на Филозофскиот факултет, на иститутот за Психологија при УКИМ, а потоа магистрирал на „University of St. Andrews“ во Шкотска на програмата за компаративна психологија. Во претходните работни ангажмани работел како новинар и теренски истражувач, а во рамките на Фондацијата Метаморфозис е ангажиран како новинар ва сервисот за проверка на факти „Вистиномер“.

Гоше Николов

Goshe Nikolov

Новинар во новинската агенција Мета.мк, каде следи теми од областите на образованието, науката и технологијата. Креира содржини за социјалните мрежи и работи на информативни и едукативни видеа. Како креатор и уредник на Инстаграм страницата „Студентарија“, посветен е на проблематиките во високото образование и студентскиот стандард.

Со работа во медиуми почнува во средношколските денови. Уредник и водител бил на неколку проекти за млади во локални медиуми во Кочани. Со Фондацијата Метаморфозис соработува од 2020 година.

Борјан Гаговски

Borjan Gagovski

Млад новинар кој почнува со медиумската работа во студентските денови на Факултетот за информатички науки и компјутерско инженерство. Има широки полиња на интерес, вклучувајќи меѓународна политика, социјалниот импакт на технологија и култура. Работи во Новинската агенција Мета од октомври 2023 година.

Оливер Стојанов

Oliver Stojanov

Нино Наумов

Nino Naumov

Master's degree in computer technology and informatics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Skopje since 2004. He joined the Metamorphosis Foundation team in March 2024, in the position of IT Specialist.

With more than 18 years in IT and software development, Nino is an experienced project and product manager who pays special attention to the usability of software solutions, process optimization and aesthetic aspects of UI. With a career in various sectors, including the judiciary and private business, where he has successfully implemented numerous IT projects. Additionally, he has participated in front-end and back-end web development, demonstrating proficiency in HTML5, CSS3, PHP, and MySQL, delivering numerous website design and development projects for domestic and international clients.