Metamorphosis Foundation has been invited to contribute to one of the most important global events in the area of technology and the Internet, the Stockholm Internet Forum 2019 (SIF), currently taking place in Sweden.
Organized by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), the Stockholm Internet Forum is taking place these days in the Swedish capital. #SIF2019 is a platform for advancing free, open, and secure Internet as a development driver. Attendance of this forum by invitation only, while speakers are prominent world figures.
“#SIF2019 offers an arena for the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and collaboration. The theme for SIF 2019 is Shrinking Democratic Space Online – mobilizing for a free, open and secure Internet.”
According to the organizers, “the new digital landscape offers new democratic opportunities for anyone with access to the Internet.”
“Repressive measures have increased against civil society, journalists, minorities, and other actors of change. The techniques to silence voices online are more inventive and technically advanced than ever before. Civil and political as well as social and economic rights are being circumscribed. This is a serious concern as a free, open, and secure Internet is a driver of sustainable development and poverty reduction” – the organizers say.
Metamorphosis Foundation’s Executive Director, Bardhyl Jashari, told that this is his second invitation to this forum while highlighting that this is an opportunity to find out about the great possibilities created by the use of technology, but also the threats that are deriving therefrom.
“The Stockholm Internet Forum is one of the most significant annual events in the world regarding the technology development and influence it has in all aspects of life, starting from privacy, security, power of private companies like Facebook and Google, all the way to the political systems and manners of governing. This year, the focus is laid on challenges stemming from the abuse of technology for shrinking the public space for freedom of expression as well as the fight against these abuses that jeopardize democracy directly. Once again, the substantial role of NGOs for overcoming these challenges and the need for cooperation at all levels: local, national, and international, comes to light” – Jashari stressed.
“This is my second invitation to this forum, and as always, it is an excellent opportunity for finding out about the great possibilities created by the use of technology, and the risks at the same time. Additionally, this forum is a good opportunity for building new partnerships and establishing cooperation for various projects” – he added.
#SIF2019 asks the following questions: How can we ensure a free, open, and secure Internet? How can more people gain online access? How can governments be held accountable for human rights violations online?
Also, #SIF2019 explores the most recent threats against democracy online and the necessary measures for mobilizing openness transparency on the Internet.