The Delegation was comprised of Mr. Pavle Sazdov, State Secretary in the Ministry of Information Society, Mr. Aleksandar Ugrinoski from the Civil Servants Agency, Mr. Bardhyl Jashari, Director of the Metamorphosis Foundation and Ms. Elena Ignatova, project coordinator at the Metamorphosis Foundation. The purpose of the visit was to meet with the stakeholders from Lower Normandy in the area of e-learning and in the area of training of officials from the local self-government, examination of the feasibility of a project for training of Macedonian civil servants through the e-learning modality and exchange of the Macedonian experiences in implementing digital technologies in the local self-government.
Several meetings took place during the study visit, including: a meeting with the Ingénium company working on development of e-learning solutions on a regional level, the official welcome of the Macedonian delegation in the Regional Council of Lower Normandy with Ms. Corinne Ferret, a meeting with the local stakeholders: EPN (public digital space) / local self-government civil servants / municipality regarding the experience in the establishment of tele-training courses for the municipal staff in the P@T of Mortagne-au-Perche, etc.
Aside from meetings with official representatives of the local self-government, the delegation attended a seminar of EPN (digital public space) in Saint-Lô, where Mr. Pavle Sazdov and Mr. Bardhyl Jashari held presentations on the activities of the two institutions in the areas of digital technologies and local self-government.
The decentralized cooperation between the Lower Normandy region and Macedonia is the result of a common will to participate in the development of the two territories, by opening to the world and encouraging the population to strive towards a local and European active citizenship through reciprocity and exchange. The project will contribute to the creation of a platform for sustainable exchange and enable the establishment of lasting ties between the populations of the two European territories – members of the Francophonie. The Metamorphosis Foundation is coordinating the ICT component.