The alternative model of group funding (crowdfunding) is not a wishing well, but definitely is the future of funding, is the conclusion of the Inception crowdfunding conference which took place on 11 March 2017 at the Kontinental hotel. This event was organized by the Association Leaders for Education, Activism and Development as a part of the Accountability through Citizen Engagement project which is implemented by Metamorphosis Foundation with the support of the British Embassy in Skopje.
The aim of this conference is to introduce the citizens of Macedonia with the crowdfunding concept as an alternative way of funding projects and ideas, as well as to offer skills for conducting crowdfunding campaigns.
This conference was inaugurated by representatives of LEAD who briefly presented the aim of the conference and the first guide on conducting crowdfunding campaigns, authored by them in cooperation with the Final Frontier Games’ team.
As first speaker, the honor to inaugurate the conference was given to Ivana Krstevska, one of the founders of Final Frontier Games, a company for board games creation which conducted the most successful crowdfunding campaign in Macedonia for 2016. Ivana emphasized that conducting and working on crowdfunding project is the same as any other job, any other business. Not every project ends successfully. It requires dedication and thoroughness. Ideas should not be random when it comes to crowdfunding campaigns, but planned completely.
“The crowdfunding demands certain decisions that have to be made in a decisive and stout manner, and there is no setting back from them. Such decisions are related to the best platform choice, amount of money you need and in-depth plan for all steps in the campaign. People are sceptic and they must be convinced that their money goes in a safe place”, Krstevska added.
After Ivana, the floor was taken by Luka Piškorič, founder of Poligon – creative center from Slovenia, who is also part of the Slovenia Crowdfunding initiative. Luka highlighted the importance of using the local communities’ capacities, especially young creatives’ capacities, in order to successfully conduct one crowdfunding campaign.
“There is a huge number of creative persons on local level that can contribute toward your campaign. Use them because by doing so you include them, contribute toward the community as well as the success of your campaign”, Luka Piškorič emphasized.
Marko Gregovic, founder of Brodoto – social impact agency, specialized for campaigns, design and media, which is also the organizer of this year’s Zagreb Crowdfunding Convention, pointed out in his speech that the crowdfunding market is opened for all kinds of ideas, from travels to business starting ideas. In order to start a campaign you don’t need ideal conditions and lot of resources, Marko stressed.
“All you need for a campaign is good idea, good team, PC, phone and internet. That’s all”, Marko stated.
The final speaker at the conference, Sam Vaknin, economic analyst and commentator, former broker, investor, banker and financial advisor of governments and corporations throughout the world, stressed the importance of team work and cooperation with group of people as big as possible while conducting crowdfunding campaign.
“Join a team and establish partnership with other people. The larger the team, the bigger the chance to make successful crowdfunding campaign”, Sam Vaknin said.
During the second part of the conference, the attendees had the opportunity to take part in one of the four workshops for strengthening of their capacities regarding various segments in the crowdfunding campaigns conducting process, i.e. how to motivate and keep your supporters, guidelines for successful campaign, guidelines for computer strategy and the importance of networking and contacting.
The conference was organized within the Sustainability through Alternative Ways of Funding project implemented by Association Leaders for Education, Activism and Development in partnership with Final Frontier Fames, supported by the Foundation for Internet and Society Metamorphosis within the framework of the Accountability through Citizen Engagement project with the support of the British Embassy in Skopje.