The Training of Trainers “Freedom of Expression and Privacy Online” took place October 28-30 2015 in Caen, organized in partnership by Metamorphosis Foundation and the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace.
The 12 participants of the training included educators from Macedonia and France with the goal of providing tools for better education of youth about the consequences of using the internet and other digital technologies through informal methods. The training focused on pedagogical methods for raising awareness about human rights, esp. privacy and freedom of expression, as well as media literacy, by using the experiences of the USAID Media Fact-Checking Service in countering media manipulations.
The participants included teachers and a university professor from Macedonia, as well as experienced trainers dealing with human rights from France and Macedonia, as well as civil activists from both countries. Several Macedonian participants are also representatives of the NGO Friends of Education.
After the training, Ms Marina Dzheparoska, a teacher from Ohrid, stated that the training “offered a new experience from organizational, methodological and pedagogical aspect. The topics covered by the training are present in the curricula of several primary school subjects, and therefore I think they can be implemented through workshops for teachers, students and parents. They will not only supplement and enrich the contents of the obligatory curricula, but also offer new and creative approach to raising awareness of the youngest population, students aged 10 to 15.”
Prof. Mentor Hamiti, PhD, who teaches ethics at the University of South Eastern Europe in Tetovo, stated that the training “was very useful, because it enabled deeper understanding of the various topics of discussion in diverse environments. The training proved that we, as diverse people coming from different communities, can also be equal and promote together important societal values like freedom of expression, respect for privacy, and countering spread of hate. Wherever we are. The training provided enough motivation to keep working on those issues!”
The curricula and the agenda was based on the pedagogical manual “Freedom of Expression and Privacy in the Digital Era,” jointly developed and published by the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace and the Metamorphosis Foundation in 2014. Digital versions of the manual are available online in Macedonian and French.
The training is implemented as part of the Decentralized Cooperation between the Region of Lower Normandy and Republic of Macedonia, with support of Republic of France and ALDA.