On Tuesday (27.12.2016), at premises of Metamorphosis Foundation starting at 15:00, NetSquared Balkans (Metamorphosis Foundation) is organizing its first meetup “Influence of Technologies in Journalism”, dedicated to NGOs and journalists.
This meet up will be a teaser for the 12th conference “E-Society”, which will be held in January 2017 and is organized by Metamorphosis Foundation.
On this meet up will be presented the following topics:
– Tools for data analysis and visualization: Tableau, Infogr.am, Piktochart, TimelineJS
– The influence of social media in Macedonia – presentation of good and bad practices
– Usage of open data for fact based journalism
– Promotion of the application “Time machine”, for archiving media content
To attend this meet up please confirm your presence at: adrijana@metamorphosis.org.mk