Report by
Prof. Dr Marjan Gusev, M.Sc. Goce Armenski
University Sts Cyril and Methodius, PMF Informatics
This study was supported by Metamorphosis – Foundation for Information Society
Skopje, April 2006.
In order to analyze the current situation of eGovernment in Western Balkan Countries (WBC) the authors used eGovernment benchmarks, analyses of National Information Society (IS) Strategies and performed a study on implementation level of eGovernment.
EU methodology developed by Capgemini to measure online sophistication of basic public online services and percentage of fully available online services was used to evaluate four WBC (Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina), comparing their progress in the area of eGovernment services with the EU countries. The authors also analyzed the respective National IS Strategies, especially those parts which cover realization of eGovernment concepts. This study analyzes the action plans level of implementation and also presents several issues given by Stability Pact eSEE initiative.
By analyzing current situation the authors identify real essential problems and provide guidelines for better implementation of eGovernment services in WBC.