General objective: To promote the enforcement of the Law on Personal Data Protection in the designing and delivery of digital services in order to make them safer and more accessible to all citizens, especially members of marginalized groups affected by digital divides.
Specific objectives:
- Institutions improve their compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection when developing and providing e-services.
- CSOs and journalists, in the role of multiplicators, are empowered with knowledge on the privacy rights of data-subjects. They understand and share knowledge on how to prevent violations related to personal data.
- Providing contribution toward the development of an informal Advocacy Network aimed to support the implementantion Law on personal data protection.
Target groups and beneficiaries:
- Data Protection Officers and IT professionals working in government institutions
- Agency for Personal Data Protection
- Civil society activists
- Journalists
- Citizens of North Macedonia
Project activities:
(1) Mapping government e-services and assessment of their compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection.
(2) Advocacy meetings with appointed officials and senior-civil-servants in institutions aimed at raising awareness of the research findings and advocating for integration of personal data protection in the designing and delivery of e-services.
(3) Mentoring government institutions in the process of developing privacy policies and procedures as well as for the implementation of privacy-impact-assessments, as tools that will directly contriute to their overall compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection.
(4) Training civil society activities and data protection officers and IT-professionals in targeted institutions for the ICT challenges, artificial intelligence and risk-management related to privacy protection.
(5) Preparing and publishing explanatory articles on the right to personal data protection, artificial intelligence and responsible use of digital services.
(6) Networking activities that will bring together civil society actors, journalists and civil servants by a series of public and closed advocacy events.
Period of implementation: 1.11.2021-31.08.2022
Donor: ABA ROLI (American Bar Association – Rule of Law Initiative)