Regional Call for Investigative Journalism Stories

The Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society announces a Regional Call for Investigative Journalism Stories within the Project “Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub: Exposing Malign Influences through Data-Driven Watchdog Journalism” (


Within the parameters of this Call, applicant/applicants (individuals or legal entities) will be chosen to undertake responsibility for the creation of during the period of July to October 2024:

1 (one) or more investigative story/stories

A description of the subject of the call is given below, in the Detailed Overview of the applicant’s Obligations and Timeline of the Engagement, which is an integral part of this Call.

1.1. Topic of the investigative story/stories

Identify, follow and investigate the sources and flow of disinformation in the Western Balkan region. Research the relationships with anti-democratic and corruptive structures and their influence.


2. Registration conditions

Legal entities and individuals who offer services in the field of investigative journalism and research have the right to apply for this Call. Individuals can also apply as teams (informal groups).

The legal entities and individuals should reside or have specific knowledge of the current developments in any of the countries in the Western Balkans region (North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro).

2.1. Individual investigative journalists must meet the following conditions:

To have relevant professional experience in journalism (minimum 5 years of experience in a newsroom and/or media organization) and to submit a list of previously prepared and published content (including but not limited to investigative stories)

2.2. Legal entities should meet the following criteria:

2.2.1. Personal condition of the applicant

-In the last 5 years, the applicant has not been sentenced for participating in a criminal organization, corruption, fraud or money laundering;

-The applicant has not been imposed a secondary penalty, a temporary or permanent ban on performing a separate activity;

-The applicant is not in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings;

-The applicant has no unpaid taxes, contributions or other public charges;

-The applicant has not been sentenced with a misdemeanor sanction – a ban on performing a profession, activity or duty, that is, a temporary ban on performing a separate activity.

– The applicant confirms the fulfillment of the criteria for determining personal status with a statement submitted in addition to the offer (the statement is attached to this tender documentation – Annex 2).

In addition to the statement, the applicant does not have to submit documents to prove his personal status together with the bid. The Commission may ask the selected applicant to submit the necessary documents to determine the personal situation for verification of these criteria.

2.2.2. Technical ability

The applicant must meet the following minimum conditions:

– To have relevant professional experience in journalism and conducting investigative stories, and to submit a list of previously prepared and published content (including but not limited to investigative stories)


3. Deadline and method of registration

The offers, together with the list of previously prepared and published content (including but not limited to investigative stories), should be submitted via e-mail to the following e-mail address: no later than July 15th, 2024, with the Subject “Application for Investigative story”. All application documents should be submitted in English. Applications that contain incomplete or untidy documentation, are not in English, as well as applications submitted after the deadline established in this Call, will not be considered. Metamorphosis Foundation reserves the right to contact only selected candidates.


The Regional Call and Attachments required for applying:

– Regional Call for Investigative Journalism

– Attachment 1 – Financial Offer
– Attachment 2 – Statement



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