Metamorphosis Foundation cordially invites you to the the 19th edition of the international conference, organized on the 19th of December 2023, on the topic of “Artificial intelligence and Human rights: Finding the right balance between innovation and responsibility”.
The conference is organised in a hybrid format and will be held at Hotel Marriott in Skopje (Ballroom I) where some of the participants will have the opportunity to physically attend the event, while the rest can follow the sessions online through the ZOOM platform and Facebook Live on the Facebook page of Metamorphosis Foundation. The conference will be held in English, Macedonian and Albanian, with translation provided in the physical location and ZOOM.
The conference will explore the artificial intelligence (AI) which opens unprecedented opportunities for innovation in various sectors while at the same time opening different questions on the protection of basic human rights. Achieving the right balance between innovation and accountability is essential to ensuring a digital landscape that includes addressing issues such as privacy, bias, discrimination and the ethical use of AI to protect human rights. As artificial intelligence continues to shape our world, the need to protect human rights without stifling technological progress becomes the greatest challenge.
The agenda is available in English, Macedonian and Albanian language.
All those interested in participating are invited to register at the following link no later than December 14th, 2023:
The conference is organized by Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society in synergy with the projects “Western Balkans Anti-Disinformation Hub” financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the project “Good Governance in Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans” implemented by DCAF – Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance and financed by the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. The views expressed during the conference do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the donors.
Privacy notice: The event will be recorded and livestreamed, while the recording will be published on the Metamorphosis Foundation YouTube channel, websites and social media. Photographs will be taken during the event and be distributed on the website and social media of Metamorphosis, as well as delivered to the donors for the purpose of reporting.