On December 1, in the premises of the Public Room, Metamorphosis Foundation held the second one-day advanced training for civil servants, which promote the principles of the Openness Index. The purpose of the training was to prepare state employees with tools and methods that serve to improve the openness of their respective institutions.

Metamorphosis Foundation is actively working to improve the transparency and accountability of institutions at the central and local level and as part of the project “Transparency and Accountability of State Institutions in RMV”, it carries out activities to advance the openness of institutions through research, development capacities and development of means.

Metamorphosis Foundation participated in the working group and provided technical support for the preparation of the draft of the new Transparency Strategy and for the seventh year in a row monitors the openness of institutions through the Openness Index. The Openness Index is a composite set of indicators that measure the performance of the executive power in the field of good governance with a focus on four pillars: accessibility, awareness, integrity and transparency, with a horizontal theme – open data.

The activities are part of the project “Transparency and accountability of state institutions in RSM” implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation with financial support from the Open Society Foundation-Macedonia.
