The Metamorphosis Foundation announces an open call for participants in trainings on fighting hate speech on the internet. Trainees will have an opportunity to acquire knowledge for recognizing hate speech, technical skills to combat this phenomenon, as well as presentation and knowledge transfer skills.
The trainings are open for all Macedonian citizens interested in applying/sharing the acquired knowledge and skills in their communities, workplaces and associations.
We encourage bloggers and regular users of social media (Facebook and Twitter) civic activists, teachers and journalists to register for attending these trainings – as well as everyone else interested in promoting freedom of expression on the internet.
Prerequisite : Basic internet knowledge and use of at least one social network.
#немрази | #mosurrej
The schedule of the trainings will be determined depending on the number of participants and their location. Participation is free and each participant will be able to practically apply the theoretical knowledge transferred during the training, through exercises and examples.
For further information, please contact Ms. Dona Dzambaska: or call: 02 3109 325 and 070 956 534
The deadline for applications is 16.12.2013, by completing this form