“Our Small Festival” is dedicated to raising the cultural awareness and the level of informal education for children, and its program consisted of a number of educational workshops, screenings of children’s films from a European production and many other entertainment contents.
“Our Small Festival” was organized by “Nase Maalo Produkcija” on the occasion of its 15th anniversary, and it was supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, the cabinet of the President of the Republic of Macedonia, the EU Office in Skopje, the Metamorphosis Foundation, as well as the municipalities of Veles and Chair and the Cultural-Information Center of the Serbs in Macedonia.
The Metamorphosis Foundation organized two workshops at the festival: “Need for Reuse” and “Careful on the net for a safe chat”.
During the “Need for Reuse” workshop children were making creative Christmas decorations using small pieces of electronic waste. The workshop was organized with the assistance of “Greener” organization and the children learned about electrical and electronic waste and how to deal with it.
At the “Careful on the net for a safe chat” workshop children were having fun and got some important tips on safe surfing and internet use. By playing games, watching short films and solving animated quizzes, children had an opportunity to learn more about the internet as a great place for information, studying, fun and friendship, but also as a place that can be dangerous and unpleasant if they are not careful.
The workshops were attended by 350 children from fourth to sixth grade, who also received educational materials and posters at the end of the event.