The platform against hate speech[1] calls the competent state institutions, the Ministry of Interior, the Public Prosecution Offices and the courts, to take urgent measures to prosecute hate speech. We also remind that not sentencing the dissemination and spreading of hate speech in the public space represents tolerance and justification of hate speech. To be matters even worse, the encouraged use of hate speech inevitably leads to the danger to cause hatred inspired actions.
The platform salutes the press release and the request for criminal prosecution submitted by the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) regarding Milenko Nedelkovski’s hate speech promotion and dissemination[2]. Namely, the person Milenko Nedelkovski is a public person, who, on several occasions, has been noticed that he has been disseminating and promoting hate speech on his Facebook profile and in his published articles (columns). The hate speech used by Nedelkovski is based on different foundations and provokes further hate speech dissemination by other people in the form of comments and reactions. In the particular case, which is the subject of AJM’s press release, the hate speech is directed to the journalists, and in other cases victims of his hate speech are political representatives, civil activists and members of marginalized groups. Nedelkovski’s use of hate speech has also been noticed by high representatives of the international organization OSCE, who condemned Nedelkovki’s hate speech and also requested a reaction from the Council of Media Ethics[3].
The Platform members filed charges to the Ministry of Interior and the Public Prosecution Office, but none of the cases has been processed, nor the competent bodies have taken the required measures for criminal prosecution. The findings from the Public Prosecution Office stating that the person hasn’t perpetrated criminal offences such as call on hatred, discrimination or violence are astounding, bearing in mind that in this and in other cases, Nedelkovski directly threatens that he is going to perpetrate violence. In a similar case, on 12 July 2015, Nedelkovski threatened with violence against the journalist Vladimir Petreski, editor of Media Fact Checking Service, saying that he will “personally fight him”. On 24 October 2014, using hate speech, Milenko Nedelkovski justified the attack of the “Damar” club, where the LGBTI Support Center was celebrating their anniversary. Since the file of the charge[4], the Public Prosecution Office has not initiated any court proceeding.
Hence, the Platform sends an open call to the competent bodies to take urgent measures for prosecuting and sentencing Milenko Nedelkovski. The appropriate sentencing will prevent hate speech dissemination and call on violence in the future.
[1] Platform members are: Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Metamorphosis – foundation for internet and society, Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM), Civil MK, YEF, Pactis – Prilep.
[4] The criminal charge was filed by the Coalition “Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities”, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights and the LGBTI Support Center