cartoon-surveilanceAs an organization that has been seeking to promote human rights in the use of all forms of new technologies for many years, placing the interests of citizens in the focus of all its activities, and as a member of the European Digital Rights association (EDRI), the Metamorphosis Foundation believes that a substantial part of the amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications proposed in the Assembly on May 11, 2010 are actually threatening privacy, i.e. the constitutionally guaranteed right to protection of personal data of citizens of the Republic of Macedonia and all other persons on its territory.

The cartoon used above belongs to EFF.

Problematic amendments are primarily the ones related to Articles 27, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75 of the Draft Law on Amending the Law on Electronic Communications, amending Articles 29, 111, 112, 114 and 115 from the previous version of the law [PDF].

Metamorphosis hails the withdrawal of the proposed amendments from parliamentary procedure, hoping that before proposing new amendments the decision makers would consider the need and obligation for a transparent and accountable public debate during which relevant experts would be consulted and all the stakeholders from the civil society and private sector would be included.

In this respect, Metamorphosis is organizing a public round table on the topic of “Privacy in Macedonia” which is to be held in the premises of the Economic Chamber of Macedonia, (June 4, 2010, 10:00-12:00h).
