The film was developed as part of a project for raising awareness about online privacy, whereas the language versions have been developed as part of the Project for decentralized cooperation between Macedonia and the Lower Normandy region. It is available in 6 languages: Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Roma, French and English. The intention is to cover a larger portion of the population in Macedonia, the French version is primarily intended for display in the Lower Normandy region, while the purpose of the English version is to reach out to the general internet audience..
This film is a product of the long experience of Metamorphosis in the field of human rights protection, including children’s rights, especially when it comes to the use of the Internet. The film is suitable for display in the schools, as well as for television broadcasting.
Cyber-bullying is not the only problem that can negatively impact young people using new technologies. It is a modern form of violence, which might seem harmless to the abusers, but can result with serious consequences for its victims. Therefore, all young people should be aware of the consequences they may bear as abusers, and about the terrible effects that their actions may have on their victims.
An illustrated booklet on the same subject entitled: “Cyberbullying… is violence as well!” Has been developed within the framework of the previous projects dealing with this issue.“